Our Proposal for Electoral Reform
Note: The following are only suggestions, and may be amended or even discarded according to the will of the people.

At the same time the Grand Jury appoints an Election Committee, it will appoint another committee, the Electoral Reform Committee (ERC), to organize and oversee electoral reform.
The ERC will gather information on the number of registered voters in each electorate, and then create a plan to reduce the size of electorates to 5,000 voters each.
Once we have the information needed, we will initiate a Referendum to ask the People of the Commonwealth to vote on the proposed changes to the Electoral system.
If the people approve, Regional Governments will be created, each one consisting of 50 electorates of 5,000 voters each. The ERC will draw in the electoral boundaries for the Regions after careful calculation to determine the best assignment of the boundaries to conform with the plan to establish the Regional Governments.
Once the ERC has completed its work it will submit their plan to the Federal Government for approval and funding. The ERC will, upon approval, set about reforming the electoral system, assigning the required number of voters to each electorate, and then preparing elections to select independent candidates to stand for election to a Regional Government in each electorate.
When candidate nominations have closed the ERC will organize an election in each electorate. Because of the nature of this system it will no longer be necessary to hold “big bang” elections. Instead, it will be possible to hold a series of single or multiple regional rolling elections throughout the year, overseen by the ERC.
After elections of representatives to the Regional Governments have been completed the ERC will be disbanded, as its job will be done. From then on, a new Local Electoral Commission will be formed by the Federal Government to manage local elections and conduct rolling elections.
For more information on our proposed plan to create a government of the people, by the people for the people under Common Law, click on the link below:

Why Staggered Elections?
Elections of representatives at both the national and the regional levels shall be staggered to provide continuity and to ensure a continuous flow of new representatives.
This arrangement of “staggered” elections has many advantages;
- It avoids the “big bang” election day.
- It allows elections to be conducted quietly and calmly in one or two electorates at a time; without the voters being subjected to a national advertising campaign.
- It eliminates the interruption to the normal business of government that occurs with “big-bang” elections.
- It avoids the tendency with “big bang” elections to make extravagant promises
- It allows the voters to concentrate their attention on selecting a candidate in their electorate without being bombarded with extraneous material about candidates in other electorates.
- It ensures changes to policy are gradual, predictable and marginal.