We list links to our friends’ websites. If you would like us to add your website to the list please send us details. Click here
- Australian Patriot Radio with the weekly Harry and Mike podcast: http://www.australianpatriotradio.com/
- Larry Hannigan : https://larryhannigan.com/
- Justinian Deception: https://justiniandeception.wordpress.com/
- The Spirit of Christmas: http://www.spiritofchristmas1.com/
- Vietnam Veterans Association Sunshine Coast: https://vietnamvetssc.org.au/
- Corporate Australia: http://corpau.blogspot.com/
- Documenting Democracy: https://www.foundingdocs.gov.au/
- Crypto Clothesline, a fascinating blog for women in business and crypto-currency: https://www.cryptoclothesline.com/
- Your website here….
Enemies of all Australians
And these are NOT our friends…but if they ever realize how wrong they are and want to leave GetUp! to join the rest of Australia to rebuild a great nation, we will welcome them with open arms. They are, after all, just deluded Australians.
But while they remain committed to their Communist ideals they are definitely not our friends!