Terms of Reference for the Grand Jury
A Grand Jury will be convened to investigate and prosecute all Unlawful Acts committed by members of all Australian Parliaments and Governments that have enacted Legislation and amended/ignored our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 without conducting Referendums of the People, as required under Section 128 of our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
Every Australian has one share in the Commonwealth of Australia. To be able to appoint a lawful Grand Jury, we need your Power of Attorney by signing the My Will letter, you will authorize the members of the Grand Jury to act on your behalf. But only under the following conditions. Your Power of Attorney will not authorize any other actions by anyone else, or by the Grand Jury to do anything outside these conditions.
Terms of Reference Conditions
The investigation will forensically examine and prosecute, but not be limited to:
- The unauthorised and unlawful sale of the People of the Commonwealth of Australia assets;
- Acts to force manufacturers offshore;
- Breaches of Human Rights;
- People employed in the unlawful Political Parties sitting under their own private Constitutions passing Legislative Acts against the people acting as fraudulent Australian Governments, and and other diverse acts of Treason;
- Electoral Fraud, including forcing a preferential voting scheme to defraud and deny the People of the Commonwealth of their Right to One Man – One Vote;
- Unjust and unlawful imposition of fines on Australians that denied the People of the Commonwealth their Common Law right to be Innocent until proven Guilty, and denying the people the right to redress of grievance, or a trial by Jury;
- To prosecute crimes against Constitutional Breaches, including but not limited to enacting the fraudulent Australia Act 1986, the Reprints Act 1992 and other diverse Legislative Acts passed without the consent of the People of the Commonwealth
- Any and all other crimes found to have been committed against the People of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The Grand Jury will be convened by the Will of the Commonwealth of Australia People, under the authority of our Common Law of England rights and Section 61 of the Magna Carta that gives us the power to take action to stop the unlawful actions of any government that harms the people of the nation they were elected to serve.
Advance Australia already has 25 Commonwealth Public Officials who have sworn allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Defender of the Faith. They are therefore authorized by the Crown to form a Grand Jury to investigate and prosecute
- The Grand Jury shall consist of a panel of 25 Commonwealth Public Officials who have sworn allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Defender of the Faith. They are therefore authorized by the Crown to form a Grand Jury to investigate and prosecute, acting on the authority of the combined Will of the People who signed the My Will Letter. They will be empowered to conduct forensic investigation into any government group, organization, company, corporation or other institution given unlawful authority to act by the Political Party Governments since the Australia Act was enacted without the authority of the Crown or the Will of the People voting in a referendum. All employees of the corporate bodies they have set up will be held accountable for their activities and may, if found guilty of the charges leveled against them, be required to reimburse the People of the Commonwealth for all monetary, property, and other damages they have caused. Wherever they are found guilty of Treason they will face the most severe punishment for their crimes. There will be no mercy for those found guilty of Treason. The Nuremberg Trials established the principle that “following orders” is not an excuse for acting unlawfully.
- The Grand Jury will be responsible for appointing an Electoral Committee of Commonwealth Public Officials (CPO’s) to call and organize an election to set up a Federal Government under the Crown and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
- The Electoral Committee will work out of offices in the original Commonwealth of Australia Parliament building, under the Crown Seal as their authority. The Committee will call for nominations of ordinary People of the Commonwealth of Australia to stand for election. No political party members will be allowed to stand to represent their party.
- The Committee will take control of the Australian Electoral Commission database of registered voters and work with an IT team to integrate the database into an electronic voting App. Said App will be available as a free download for all voters to register to vote. More information on the App is available here: electronic-voting
- Voting will be One Man, One Vote, and the winner will be elected.
- The Committee will announce a date for the election once it is satisfied that the Voting App is working correctly, and that all other conditions for the election have been satisfied.
- Some voting booths will be set up for those voters who are not tech-savvy or who do not want to use the voting app. The Committee will prepare the materials to set up the voting booths, as well as people to man them during the election. The Committee will also appoint volunteer Scrutineers to monitor the vote count and ensure there is no electoral fraud committed. Where fraud is detected, the perpetrators will face severe penalties.
- Once elected, the Representatives will follow the rules laid down in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 to form a government consisting of a Lower House and a Senate. The elected representatives will be directly accountable to the People of the Commonwealth.
Grand Jury Length of Service
No term of service can be stated here, as the Grand Jury must function for as long as necessary to carry out its mandate. The People of the Commonwealth will have the final say on when the Grand Jury has done its work.