My Will Incentives


Because we are asking you to do a bit more than just collect signatures on the My Will letter we are offering some very valuable incentives to any individuals or groups who gather lots of signatures.

The prizes are in the form of company shares. At the moment they are valued at $10 a share. However, industry experts are predicting they will see multiple increases within twelve months. This means that the incentives have the potential to become very valuable the longer you hold onto them.

Read more about Allotz here

Anyone can gather signatures; individuals, clubs, groups, associations. Gathering signatures could prove to be a very valuable way for you to raise money. And by gathering signatures you will be contributing to helping change the way Australia is governed, and help Drain the Billabong!

How the incentives work:

You could be here! Just start gathering signatures on your My Will Letters!

All you need do is collect the minimum number of signatures to go into a pool draw. Winner takes all!

The incentive pools for collecting signatures are valued at:

50 signatures = prize pool $100,000 

150 signatures = prize pool $150,000

250 signatures = prize pool $250,000

500 signatures or more = prize pool $500,000